live wedding painting
I have been painting live at weddings and parties….capturing the occasion For over 15 years! Guests love to see the picture develop and you get to have a wonderful keepsake at the end of the day!
I can be simply smart or a larger than life character!
Wedding Painter Rose Popay at your service!
I can paint one scene or do a mixture from the day… I can be there live as part of your entertainment or I can create from photos after the event in my studio.
Live wedding painting is such a hot wedding trend! It will add such a special charm to your event.
Guest Portraits
Less than 5 minutes per person a characterful ink and water colour sketch of your guest!
As well as some live banter from yours truly!
Or maybe you would like NAUGHTY nude portraits?!!! These are such a hoot guarentead laughter! Please go to PORTRAITS section or click link below!
Guest join in!
Guest join in collaborative art is a wonderful coming together of your guests and their memories - I do delicate work and have areas where I invite/ force your guest to join in!! More examples on
For my sister site wedding and event painting see link below
for a wider portfolio and of my wedding painting service.
Theres and enquiry form there or use the contact page here!